Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Final Thoughts

1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.

The main characters in this novel are: Saul, Sue, Caroline, Captain Marrs, Ruth, Controller and Dick Lane.
I like the character of Saul, sensible person that wrote about the dolphin's music and when he was told on music room and how were tortured the dolphins, he didn't care change his type of living.

2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?

At first a surprise because he couldn't believe all those things about Control and the virtual life.
I felt afraid that something could happen in our times, a super government (or "Big Brother") could control all our lives and destinies.

3. Describe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.

In year 2051 due to pollution is dangerous to live outside and all the people stayed in their houses. All the communication is through the web, all one person needed is send through tunnels or vehicles. The people used a virtual world to interacted each other an to trip around the world.
There three types of social classes:
The folk, general people who lived in a virtual world.
The government, in charge of maintaining that world.
The tunnel people, who made the dirty work.

4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.

I felt anger that this could happen in the future in the real world. Then admiration for that people that changed a comfortable mode of living by a risky life to change all the system.

5. Compare and Contrast Who is the main character of the novel?. Describe how you are like the main character of this novel. Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel.

The main character of the novel is Saul.
I am similar to Saul in what we both like the music, but Saul was a person with a extraordinary feeling to the music, for that reason he was a recognized music critic.
The differences with Saul is the manner he accepted without any objection or doubt all the things mentioned by Control. I would try to confirm the Truth of that.

6. Advice If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.

A letter to Carolina:
Dear Carolina:
In the last days I have talked Saul about different topic but there was one very special concerning Control and our form of thinking about the things that happened, he mentioned how the dolphins were hurt to obtain this wonderful music we all were pleasant to listen, the cruel rules used by BEATCON to fight against who are nominated "terrorist", that in some cases were not real terrorists.
At first It was very difficult to believe what he said, but also was true that we accepted this comfortable form of living and didn't matter how It was obtained.
I think it is time to question some things and investigate what is true, what is real and how must be our future lives.

Yous sincerely,


Chapter 20

Complete the gaps in this summary
The next day, during a __live__ concert on the Web, ___Caroline_____started talking about Saul. She repeated everything he had told her about the __dolphins____ and the Music Rooms, and how they were ___hurt___ in order to make __music____. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the recording __studio____ and __produced___ her dead.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chapter 17

  • Captain Marrs told his specials, "I want him found. Do you all understand? ..."

  • Captain Marrs' specials after some hours of watching the screens, they hated screen-watching.

  • Sue said, "... If we can find the source of the electricity and turn it on, ... I'll check on the laptop..."

  • Inside eight small glass tanks were the dolphins. They lay without moving and there were electric wires attached to them.

  • 'We're too late,' said Saul. 'They're dead.' When he saw the dolphins.

  • 'Accepted.' said the computer. 'Good morning. What can I do for you?', when Saul registered into the computer.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chapter 11 - 16

  • Saul did not want to travel with Sue because she was the rudest person he had ever met.
  • The tunnel workers have their numbers on a small computer chip inside the back of their hand.
  • Sue and Ruth became terrorist because Robert, husband of Sue, was confused with terrorist by Captain Marrs who torturated him and then put Sue into the tunnels.
  • Saul thought Sue was rude because she could have stayed in the forest and hidden but she decided to fight instead.

  • Saul and Sue feel sad and angry when they left Caroline's house because she didn't believe what Saul said her.
  • Caroline decided to make herself sound unintelligent, while Captain Marrs questioned her, as if her only world was music, to avoid any type of problem.
  • Caroline at first time didn't believe in Saul's words because she didn't want to know things that frighten her and believe what Control told her.
  • Saul and Caroline had a virtual relation for about 3 years, but they didn't met each other, they didn't know how is the thinking of the other person. They felt some atractions but not real love.

Chapter 10

a. CONTROL wants to watch everything that happened on the web.

b. The tunnel people did all the real work that was needed to make life pleasant for everyone else.

c. Captain Marrs started a fire to burn burn down a forest near London.

d. PACE made the fire even bigger using petrol to get Marrs into trouble with CONTROL.

e. Ruth was going to stay behind the caves.

Chapter 8, 9 and 10

3. Captain Marrs hated the forest because his satellites have far less power here, jetcars can't move in it, helicopters can't land also, and the forest hide the terrorists.

4. When Saul was traveling through the tunnel with Ruth and Sue, he thought: all his things, his music collection, have been lost. And that was because he listened to Ruth. His life has finished.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A letter to my friend Eduardo

Hi Eduardo:

I wish that you and your family are good.

I continue in San Antonio, it's a peaceful city close to Mexico, in this moment we are in summer and the temperature is very high all the days, the humidity is low to medium so different to our city.
San Antonio is more or less two hours from the beach but there isn't too much custom to eat seafood.

I'm taking ESL's classes on Tuesday and Thursday, we are reading the novel "The dolphin music" and then continue with "The war of worlds", both are about fiction.

The study group is very interesting because they are from many countries: Japan, Poland, Mexico and Bolivian.

In this city there isn't too many peruvians and it's a little difficult to find peruvian foods.



Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 6

1. Sue mentioned, "If this is how Saul behaves when a car is blown up,he's going to be useless on the journey."

2. Saul asked, "Where are we going", when they were in the kitchen after his car has blew up.

3. Ruth said, "I think I was right to choose him ..." when she was talking to Sue about Saul.

4. Into the tunnel Peter said, "... when I shut this stone, no one will ever know that it was moved. And Marrs won't bother me."

Chapter 5

1.Ruth wants to save the dolphins because they are enforced y hurted to create music.

Saul thinks that Ruth is crazy because they are in Richmond-England and the dolphins are in Matterhorn-Switzerland.

Sue is a rude person because she ignored Saul all the time.

Sue wants to scan in Saul's eyes to put them into the Music Rooms' memory bank, and he'll be able to walk into the Music Room without problem.

2. Saul will accept what Ruth is asking, because
he saw the dolphins in the Music Room and how they are enforced to create music.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chapter 4

SAUL: he was appasionated by the dolphin music and like to write about music
CAROLINE:a young woman that likes the music, enjoy inventing new words but sometimes forgot some things.
DICK LANE:he was a BEATCON special trying to demostrate he was the best.
THE CONTROLLER:an old man in charge of CONTROL,
CAPTAIN MARS:he was a young man, very quick and keen, determined person to do his job as head of BEATCON, cruel to eliminate terrorists and considered evil man for some persons.
RUTH:she was a lively old woman, kindly and decided person.

2. The controller knew that anyone who blocked Marrs disappeared for that reason he said about Saul "I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer".

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter 2

  1. Ruth said: "I'm old enough, dear, to say what I like. And I'm not alone. There are a great many people who don't agree with control.
  2. Ruth said: "... the Education Rooms don't exist. They were created on a computer. But we won't be going to the tunnels, we know how to avoid the police.
  3. Ruth said: "... I know exactly how dangerous this is. They've shot many of my friends already...".
  4. Saul wanted to be back in his room listening to music. he did not want to be here talking to Ruth who suddenly discovered was a terrorist.
  5. When the dolphins are in terrible pain and dying, they sing. just before they die, they make a song that is the most wonderful music.

Chapter 1

  1. Yes, his computer knew Saul's voice and Saul could talk to it if he wanted to.
  2. No there were too many people and too few jobs.
  3. Yes, everyone had to do six months of community work, someone had to look after the old people.
  4. No, he thought that the virtual world is a happy world, and Saul was happy, he enjoyed his work and his life.
  5. No, he had never actually touched Caroline. But virtual virtual touching was fun for Saul.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Types of authority

Weber described three possible sources of the right to command:
In many societies, people have obeyed those in power because "that is the way it has always been" or has been justified by religious tradition. Authority was handed down from parents to child.
The followers perceive charismatic leaders as persons with remarkable vision or god's grace. It cannot be transferred to another person.
These systems derive legitimacy from a set of explicit rules and procedures that spell out the ruler's rights and duties. It specifies procedures by which certain individuals hold offices of power temporarily.

Author: Alex Thio, Sociology, 3rd ed.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday 27 may, 2051. 2 p.m. Richmond, England.
Saul Grant has been working on on letters for three hours. His computer knew everything.
Saul Grant was a writer. He was a music critic for the Central England Web Guide. He loved music and writing about music.
Next week he had to stop writing and do six months of community work.
Control made the rules, ruled the web.
Today most new music was written by dolphins. And dolphin music was beautiful. Dolphins could actually write music.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Idioms 6/17

as hungry as a bear
- very hungry

My son was as hungry as a bear when he arrived home from school.

as gentle as a lamb
- very gentle

The teacher is as gentle as a lamb when she explain her classes.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Are you a good listener?

Basic guidelines for better listening:

  1. Looking directly at the person who is speaking shows dynamic interest.

  2. Ask questions to the prospect or customer to get specific information or to learn opinion and feelings.

  3. Don't interrupt, let other people finish their sentences or ideas.

  4. Don't change the subject of the conversation.

  5. Control your emotions, hear the other person's out first then give your own ideas in a controlled manner.

  6. Let your whole being show you are interested in other people and their ideas.

Author: Robert L. Montgomery

My most Embarrassing language moment

My most embarrassing moment was trying to find the river walk at the San Antonio's downtown.
There wasn't any people at this moment on the street, and I walked around five minutes trying to find some body to ask about the river walk.